Saturday, December 19, 2009

Middle Sister - Rebel Red

Finals are finally over and I found myself with time and energy to cook. 20 minutes later, a dish of pasta carbonara was on the table, and a wine pairing was in order. And so our quest begins....

This lovely red was the one that started this mission. Bought because it was cheap and made me think of the middle sister in my family - quite a rebel herself - I was unsure of what to expect. Surprisingly, the flavor was full-bodied and was fruity without being too sweet. It's a mix of the common red wines - zinfandel, syrah, merlot, cabernet sauvignon. I generally don't like mixes since I love the tastes of each type of wine individually, but this one was able to show off all of them at once. Mixes are generally a good go-to wine since they can be paired with practically anything. This one went really well with pasta, though any meaty, flavorful foods would be great too.

 So go pick up a bottle today! At only $8.99, you can afford to grab 2 or 3 - and trust me you'll want to.

Rating: 4 out of 5 glasses
Price: $8.99 at our local HEB

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